Elementary tutoring programs

The single most important building block for elementary learning is confidence. Sapphire Studies helps students tap into their hidden strengths and charming personality traits, creating more outgoing confident personas that are more engaging in the classroom.

High school tutoring programs
High school brings a lot of new — a new school, new challenges, new curriculum, new social statuses, etc. Sapphire Studies provides a safe learning space to help your teenager work through complex problems so they become more confident and more outgoing.
Post secondary education and beyond

Development journeys don't come to an end by completing high school. Sapphire Studies teaches new or upcoming grads how to prepare for the real world with post-graduate coaching services, resume writing skills, and interview prep programs that empower youth to excellence.
Life Coaching & Mentorship Services
We use the concept of "falling forward" to teach learning opportunities from setbacks and empower everyone to achieve their full potential.
Plant the seeds that create new opportunities for growth.
Create a winning mindset that teaches growth from setbacks.
Use your newfound confidence to create your new life.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Rahul, Founder, Sapphire Studies